Tuesday, December 7, 2010


    Many people like to fake that there's a kid in his/her class that is misbehaving. It could possibly be true or false. But, it could also actually be them. They blame others or make someone up. But when it comes to parent-teacher conference, they're busted!
    Laurie is a kindergarten little boy. He starts to make-up a boy named Charles in his class, to his parents. He tells them that he's a very bad kid. Charles is a bad influence. "Charles was fresh to the teacher's friend." This shows that Charles was being fresh and cool with the teacher's friend.
   Charles has mental problems when he doesn't want to listen, wants to do things his way and e.g. "Charles bounced a see-saw onto the head of a little girl. He made her bleed. The teacher made him stay inside during recess. Charles had to stand in a corner. He was pounding his feet on the floor during story-time. Charles could not use the blackboard because he threw chalk." This shows that Charles is a troublemaker. He doesn't care if he hurts someone, what he does or even cares about someone.
   Parent-teacher conference comes and Laurie parents go because they want to meet Charles' parents and discuss what's happening at school, that he's doing. When Laurie's parent’s mentions about Charles to the teacher, the teacher says there's no child named Charles in kindergarten. "Charles? We don't have any Charles in kindergarten." This shows that Laurie made this whole story up to his parents. But the behavior, it's all him, it's actually Laurie.
   Laurie snitched on him. Everything was all true, except for the Charles kid. There's no Charles in kindergarten. So, Laurie got himself in trouble for telling his parents what

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